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Treatment Options for Hay Fever

Hay fever can be a nasty condition to deal with, and many people see their doctors with this complaint each year.


There are several options when dealing with hay fever. Be aware of them and check with your medical practitioner so that you can deal with the hay fever and move on with the symptoms now minimized.


Nasal Decongestants

Nasal decongestants come in the form of a spray, and can be prescribed by your doctor. They reduce swelling and make it easier to breathe. Prolonged use can cause irritation inside the nose, so keep this remedy for occasional use only. There are different types of nasal decongestants, and some include antihistamines.



Antihistamines block histamine, which is the main player in the allergic reaction that causes hay fever in the first place. When you take an antihistamine, you can choose to take it preventatively or as required. Some antihistamines may cause drowsiness, so be aware of this issue if you plan to be driving, or need to be alert for your job or other activities.



If a plugged-up nose is one of your main hay fever symptoms, corticosteroids may be recommended to you. They are anti-inflammatory and therefore will help unblock a stuffy nose and other congestion. These are often the most effective block against hay fever.



Immunotherapy is generally a last resort for when other remedies fail to have the desired effect. Immunotherapy can be done in one of two ways… by tablets inserted under the tongue, and by an injection under the skin. This procedure is generally done in a controlled environment in case of an anaphylactic reaction to the substance upon administering it.


Immunotherapy builds your immunity to the allergen so that its effect on you is not as extreme as usual, and you are eventually no longer set off by it. Immunotherapy should show improvement in your tolerance to the allergen within one year, and treatment is usually continued for three years to become desensitized to the allergen.


Nasal Irrigation

This is becoming a much more common remedy. You can go to your local pharmacy and generally find a variety of nasal irrigation systems to choose from. Rinsing allergens from your nose and sinuses with sterile saline can bring major relief to allergy sufferers. Pick up a neti pot or other system, and give it a try.


Natural Remedies

There are many natural remedies for hay fever. Although medical practitioners may not be able to prescribe all these treatments for you, many have no dangerous side effects and plenty of individuals feel that they are therefore at least worth a try.


Remedies such as local bee pollen, anti-inflammatory nutrients and simple stress relief can work wonders for allergic rhinitis. You don’t have to search far to find many basic remedies that may or may not work for you.


Hay fever is disheartening, but there are many options when you want to get rid of symptoms. Everyone’s body is different, and all will react to each method as an individual. Speak with your healthcare practitioner and decide which hay fever treatment might be right for you.