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The use of garlic dates back nearly five thousand years, when it was originally used as an ancient medicinal herb. This is because the garlic bulb contains about 400 hundred different substances including antioxidants, which gives it great power when it comes to guarding cells from the outside threat of free radicals.


Garlic is one of the oldest known medicinal plants, and it's been credited with fighting heart disease, lowering blood pressure and helping to fight off colds.


Garlic is considered as a superfood. It has antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Garlic contains the chemical compound alliin, which, on crushing, becomes allicin, an amino acid that has shown to dissolve cholesterol in test conditions. However, allicin is unstable and tends to degrade on cooking.


Garlic seems to reduce the risk of lung cancer even in smokers. Crushing or chopping garlic and left to stand for at least 10 minutes before cooking or consuming is best because allicin works best after it has come into contact with oxygen.


Garlic is a natural blood thinner also. This is useful to people who are obsess, smokers, who take oral contraceptives, over the age of 65. These people can develop fatal blood clots in their lungs, arteries and brain. However, it is to be noted that garlic is a potent herb and can interfere with your medication.


Garlic may help lower high cholesterol and elevated blood pressure. It can prevent and fight certain types of cancers. It can prevent or fight infection due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties. It may alleviate nasal congestion also. It has been shown to inhibit the fungi that causes athlete’s foot, vaginal yeast infections, and many cases of ear infection.


The biggest drawback of garlic is it causes bad breath. The presence of sulphur gives garlic that biting smell for which it has become so famous. These odours and smells help you fight all kind of illnesses.  


Garlic can also can cause indigestion, if eaten raw. Direct contact of garlic with skin and mucous membranes causes irritation of the affected part.


Garlic can reduce heart disease. Ajoene, one of the breakdown products of allicin, may reduce the risk of heart attacks by preventing the formation of blood clots.


Garlic is an excellent source of phytochemicals and contains vitamins A, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), C, iron, phosphorous, sulphur compounds, and calcium. Ample amount of vitamin B6, vitamin C and selenium is present in garlic. A good source of manganese is available to boost your health.


Allicin combines with vitamin B1 (thiamine) to activate the function of the pancreas and thus promote insulin secretion. As a result, garlic is effective in the prevention or the cure of diabetes that is caused by a lack of insulin or by the defective functioning of the pancreas.


Garlic activates the cells of the liver and thereby protects the liver from toxic substances; it also rejuvenates a tired liver and promotes its normal functioning.


In order to see positive health benefits, medical researchers recommend either eating three garlic cloves a day or taking garlic supplements according to the directions on the package.