Health Advice For U
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Five steps to better health  

Breath: So many people get caught up in the day-to-day they forget one simple taskā€¦ breathing. You can’t survive if you don’t breathe. You may be holding your breath without even realizing it. Other people clench their jaws often or grind their teeth when stressed. Most people do not know how to do this right. They breathe shallow. They take a breath from their chest, because this is where the lungs are. This is not how you breathe. You breathe by inhaling deeply, filling your chest and your abdomen with air, and then expelling loudly and softly. 


If you’ve ever taken a yoga class you may be familiar with this form of breathing. It is called Prana by some or the breath of life. If you want to live a healthy life, then you have to learn how to breath. Practice when you are at home alone watching television, or while you are lying in bed at night trying to get to sleep. 


Rest: Resting isn’t just about sleep. It’s about taking a break from your everyday activities so your mind and body have a chance to recover from a hard day of work. No matter your job, it is critical to your health that you rest. If you don’t think you have time to rest, consider taking a 10-minute break. Walk outside, even if it is just outside the door, take a couple of big, deep breaths and return to work. It is as simple as that. Just like a potty break, only much better. 


Restore: When you start breathing you begin learning how to restore your body. Restoration is necessary. It helps boost your strength. One way to restore or stock up on energy is by exercising. Exercise will help bolster your stamina and teach your body how to combat fatigue or lethargy. If you do exercise, try to do at least 30 minutes daily. You don’t have to do this all at once. You can for example, take a 10-minute walk up the stairs of your building and then down again. You can do a few push-ups between commercials. The point is you shouldn’t have to worry about exercise, it should come naturally. 


Replenish: Proper food is necessary for you to function well. You replenish your body by eating well. The best way to keep your metabolism revved for a long day is by eating five or six small meals during the day instead of three very large meals. If you eat a meal that is too heavy, your body’s energy will slow down as your body struggles to digest all the food you’ve eaten. 


The point is you need energy, and much of our energy comes from the foods we eat. You don’t want to overeat any more than you want to under-eat. You also want to be sure to eat snacks that contain ample protein during the day, because protein is the key substance providing our bodies with energy and vigour. Closer to nap or bedtime you can indulge in a small, carbohydrate laden treat. 


Just stay away from the chocolate too close to bedtime, because it contains caffeine, which hampers sleep. Many people are sensitive to caffeine and do not even know it. 


Inform: To get into shape and fight disease you need to know as much as possible about your body. This includes learning about your medical history and the medical history of your parents and siblings. Your doctor will be better equipped to treat any disease you may have if they have this information. Your best bet is finding a doctor you like and sticking with them. You can plan on spending at least an hour with him or her once a year, sometimes twice a year, for a full physical. During this time you should talk with your doctor about any chronic symptoms you have. If you catch a disease early you are more likely to find a cure than if you catch it too late. 


Your doctor can inform you about any illnesses your history may predispose you to. He or she can also help you establish an immune boosting diet and exercise program that is tailored to your needs. If your doctor does not specialize in this area do not worry, most will simply refer you to a specialist for a consult. Pay attention to the information you get during your consult, as it may prove life-saving. 


Fighting off infection isn’t nearly as hard as some people think it is. When you walk in with a smile on your face and you have all the knowledge you need about your body, you are going to win the battle against chronic viral, bacterial and other unwanted attacks on your immune system.